Preventing Delays and Downtime from Failed Valve Isolations

Isolation valves obstruct the flow path to isolate a portion of your system.

Under normal operating conditions, isolation valves remain open. It is typically only under certain exceptional circumstances, such as for safety reasons or system maintenance, that they are functioned closed.

One of our clients needed to establish barriers to isolate their system and conduct essential maintenance Pigging operations.

However, due to the Ball Valves on the Main Oil Line (MOL) passing, establishing the required isolations was impossible.

A series of PBU tests established that both Inboard & Outboard Valves were failing to hold production pressure of approximately 49 to 64 barg. Shutting down plant operations was not an option. The client needed a solution to establish the required isolations that would allow them to carry out the maintenance pigging safely while keeping production online.


The Solution: Deploying IG-L

IG-L is a time-activated Gel product designed and formulated to provide a solution to passing isolations within the Pipeline & Process sector.

Deployed as a liquid, IG-L converts into a flexible, solid gel that pushes the hydrocarbons through the leak paths and re-establishes the pressure retaining barriers needed for a successful isolation.

In this instance, IG-L was deployed and then allowed to cure to a flexible solid, providing a barrier on either side of the 24” Ball Valve.

Full isolations were successfully obtained and tested while the plant remained online, negating the need for a plant shut-down to load the pig.

Upon completion of the pigging operations, IG dilute breaker solution was injected, and the cured IG-L was returned to a thin liquid which was then drained off locally.


“KCI was fundamental in obtaining isolations on the MOL Pig Launcher to allow for the loading and launch of a Pig.” 

Client Testimonial, major international operator


How does IG-L work?

IG-L is designed to be injected, under pressure, into a closed valve or spool between two closed valves, which then converts to a flexible pressure-resistant solid.

As the IG-L is deployed, the gel will rise to the top of the cavity and displace resident fluids through the initial leak paths, slowly increasing back pressure as the cavity fills.

Once the cavity is filled, the IG-L is left to cure, forming a solid, flexible, mechanical isolation. Once the operations are complete, the cured IG-L can be converted back to a fluid state using our 97% water-based IG dilute breaker solution. Alternatively, it can be pigged out in its solid form.


When can IG-L be used?

Valve isolation failures can arise due to a range of issues.

Sediment or sand passing through the pipeline can cause valves to erode, or there may be damage to the valve sealing areas caused by general wear and tear. 

When any of these factors come into play, it can have a detrimental effect on the valve’s ability to maintain an isolation, leading to safety and environmental issues, limited access for maintenance or remedial work, extended downtime and loss of production.

Designed to be injected under pressure into a closed valve, IG-L converts to a flexible, pressure-resistant solid that can be used on platforms, in refineries and for subsea applications.

Beyond process valve and pipeline isolations, IG-L can also be used for wellhead seal isolations, gate valve isolations, control line isolations and packer & casing shoe isolations.


The Importance of Effective Process Valve Isolations

We know that Operators are under immense pressure to maintain assets and production, a particular challenge when it comes to ageing infrastructure.

IG-L is the ideal solution for minimising downtime and delays to your inspection, repair or maintenance programmes.

Administered via a tool package that allows for mixing and deployment within a tight footprint, IG-L provides a simple and efficient method for gaining isolations.

And with its use in several repeat applications, IG-L has a proven track record in preventing delays and unnecessary downtime costs.

Find out more about our pipeline and process valve isolation products, including frequently asked questions about IG-L.


Georgina Hay